Driving Directions to FSU

Driving Map

Frostburg State University (main campus) is located in beautiful, scenic Western Maryland. The mailing address is:

Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, Maryland 21532-2303

From Baltimore and east: take I-70 west to I-68 west at Hancock, MD. Continue to the second exit for Frostburg, Exit 33 (Midlothian/ Braddock Road). Bear right and proceed approximately one mile to the main entrance to the FSU campus.

From Morgantown, WV, and west: take I-68 east to Exit 33 (Midlothian/Braddock Road). Turn left onto Braddock Road and proceed approximately one mile to the main entrance to the campus.

USM at Hagerstown

Complete directions to the Hagerstown campus are available on the University System of Maryland - Hagerstown site.

Estimated Travel Time from Eastern U.S. Cities to FSU Main Campus

Baltimore 2 1/2 hours Philadelphia 4 1/2 hours
Hagerstown 1 hour Pittsburgh 2 1/2 hours
Harrisburg 2 hours Richmond 5 hours
Johnstown 1 hour Salisbury, MD 5 hours
Morgantown 1 hour Somerset 3/4 hours
New York 6 hours Washington, D.C. 2 1/2 hours
Norfolk 6 hours    

Go to the FSU Visitor Resources web page for information to help you plan your visit to the University.

Finding the Admissions Office

On Midlothian Road, you will pass the Appalachian Laboratory, the University Drive entrance, Bobcat Stadium and the Cordts P.E. Center, all on the left.

Turn left at the arched campus gateway and make an immediate right.

The building on your left is Pullen Hall. Park in the designated spaces for Admissions Office guests. Enter through the glass doors.