Ask A Dean

Interested in attending Frostburg? Have questions about our academics, careers outcomes or the innovated practices in Frostburg’s classrooms? Ask a dean! Our three academic deans know our programs best, so let’s chat!

Ask A Dean!


Ask a dean about:

  • Majors/academic programs
  • Career outcomes
  • Internship and research opportunities
  • Cross-discipline work
  • Study facilities
  • Honors program

Ask a dean any questions you have about studying at Frostburg!

Ask Admissions!


Ask admissions about:

  • Your application
  • Transcripts
  • Scholarships
  • Pay your deposit
  • Any of the "Ask a dean" questions!

Ask admissions any questions you have about your application or financial aid!

When will I hear a response?

You will receive a response between 24 and 48 hours. If you want a more immediate response, the Office of Admissions has highly trained staff, available to answer your academic questions. Feel free to call or text Monday-Friday, from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

(301) 835-2528

Other important contacts for incoming students:

Residence Life/Housing:
(301) 687-4121 

International Students:
(301) 687-4714 

Honors Program:
(301) 687-4998 

Student Life:
(301) 687-4411


Office of Admissions

  • Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Follow Frostburg State Admissions on Social Media